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ACTIVAGE Open Call, lancement du 1er appel à propositions du projet européen #ACTIVAGEOpenCall. #sta 2018 à Grenoble - Catalogues / Foxoo
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ACTIVAGE Open Call, lancement du 1er appel à propositions du projet européen #ACTIVAGEOpenCall. #sta 2018 à Grenoble / Catalogues

Evènement passé.

Le mercredi 31 octobre 2018 à Grenoble (38).

Aim:  implement and deploy mature IoT solutions using the current European deployment sites' IoT ecosystem for testing, demonstration and initial market take-up.

Target:  European SMEs, Mid-Caps and Start-ups legally registered in a member state of the European Union or in a Horizon 2020 associated country.

Budget:  600.000', with a maximum of 10 projects funded.

Deadline:   October 31st 2018 at 5 pm CET.  http://www.activageproject.eu/open-call

Project duration:  12 months starting on January 2019.
Enregistrement : http://www.activageproject.eu/open-call

En ligne

16 boulevard Maréchal Lyautey Grenoble
Débute à 16H00

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