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Demystifying the NHS: how to access and sell to the UK public health system 2018 à La Tronche - Catalogues / Foxoo
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Demystifying the NHS: how to access and sell to the UK public health system 2018 à La Tronche / Catalogues

Evènement passé.

Le mardi 15 mai 2018 à La Tronche (38).

For this session, MEDICALPS offers you the possibility to exchange with the Department for International Trade (DIT) of the British Embassy.

This Department is keen to support French Life Sciences Companies bring their innovative technologies to the UK market and plug in successfully to the NHS. This session will be driven by Julie LEBOULEUX, Business Development Manager Life Sciences (DIT, British Embassy ' France) and Chris HOWIE, European Life Sciences Specialist (DIT London ' UK ).

Tuesday, May 15th from 8h45 to 13h00

Biopolis  5 avenue du Grand Sablon ' 38700 La Tronche

Compulsory registration until May, 11th  2018 ' 1 person/structure

If you are already registered, please disregard this message.

To sign up, click here ! http://2xqz.mj.am/lnk/AAAAAAzvyUwAAAAAAAAAAGdcKO4AAP-yl0wAAAAAAAkLswBa1aEOM1h5AH5ZRL2Guh-YqMi2JAACyLc/6/oBfEP7mItaUuyOn3L_tUAA/aHR0cHM6Ly9nb28uZ2wvZm9ybXMvVEh2aUlQbjlNdDY5Sk9LdjE)


From 8h45 : Reception

9h00 ' 11h00 : Presentation by Julie LEBOULEUX and Chris HOWIE

NHS structure and the procurement process
Some incentives and innovation programmes
Hints and tips about how to work with the NHS
Introduction to relevant contacts

From 11h00 : individual interviews with the speakers


MEDICALPS members: free (1 person/structure)

Non-members fees: 60' (payment by cheque or bank transfer)



Enregistrement : http://urlz.fr/6VJh


5 avenue du Grand Sablon 38700 La Tronche
Débute à 08H45

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