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Have you heard about MedFIT, after a successful first edition, MedFIT has emerged as the leading Eur 2018 à Strasbourg - Catalogues / Foxoo
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Have you heard about MedFIT, after a successful first edition, MedFIT has emerged as the leading Eur 2018 à Strasbourg / Catalogues

Evènement passé.

Du 26 au 27 juin 2018 à Strasbourg (67).

After a successful first edition, MedFIT has emerged as the leading European business convention dedicated to innovation partnerships in the fields of medical technologies and diagnostics. MedFIT aims to become the European marketplace for investment in the medtech sector.

Join us for the second edition on 26th & 27th June 2018 in Strasbourg (France) .

MedFIT is the best way to :

Enhance and share your knowledge of the medtech sector
Meet the most qualified actors from the medtech sector (including emerging and big medtech and diagnostics companies, TTOs, academics and research institutes, innovative suppliers and subcontractors and investors)
Build and develop R&D and business collaborations

Learn more about MedFIT http://www.medicalps.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Flyer-MedFIT_2018_VF.pdf).

Please, consult our site http://www.medicalps.eu/event/have-you-heard-about-medfit/?instance_id=432).
Enregistrement : 03 59 39 01 81, EMAIL

Srasbourg Convention Centre Palais de la musique et des congrès Schweitzer Entrance

Place de Bordeaux 67082 Strasbourg ' FRANCE
Débute à 08H30

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