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Paris Breast Rendez Vous 2016 à Paris09 - Catalogues / Foxoo
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Source : #31839 Publié le 19/04/16 | Vues : 334

Paris Breast Rendez Vous 2016 à Paris09 / Catalogues

Evènement passé.

Du 19 au 21 mai 2016 à Paris09 (75).

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the next edition of the «Paris Breast Rendez-vous», the first international conference devoted exclusively to breast surgery in France. Well known international surgeons will present the latest advances in aesthetic, reconstructive and oncologic breast surgery.

The «Paris Breast Rendez-Vous» is a unique opportunity to share our experiences through lectures, workshops and teaching video sessions showing clinical cases. All aspects of breast surgery will be discussed with priority given to interactivity and discussions.

This next edition will be held from May 19th to 21th 2016 at the « Salons de l'Aveyron » in Paris. The conference will be held exclusively in English, simultaneous translation into French will be offered during presentations.

We look forward to seeing you for this great adventure,

Salons de L'aveyron ' Paris
10, rue de l'Aubrac
Paris, 75009 France, 75 paris09


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