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SEBASTIAN MARX DANS THE FRENCH LANGUAGE EXPLAINED BY AN AMERICAN One-Man-Show et Café-théâtre #PROMO 10,95€ au lieu de 22€ 2018 à PARIS05 - Catalogues / Foxoo
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Source : #53019 Publié le 29/04/18 | Vues : 27

SEBASTIAN MARX DANS THE FRENCH LANGUAGE EXPLAINED BY AN AMERICAN One-Man-Show et Café-théâtre #PROMO 10,95€ au lieu de 22€ 2018 à PARIS05 / Catalogues

Evènement passé.

Du 5 mai au 30 juin 2018 à PARIS05 (75).

If you are having trouble speaking French, don't worry. it's not your fault. It's the fault of the French language.Why is it 'une baguette' and not 'un baguette'' What does 'ça va' really mean' How can you tell if a French girl likes you' How can you have a good French accent without sounding like a pretentious ass' Luckily, there is an American to explain it all to you.Why an American' Because whatever the level of shameful French you speak, he's been there. And if he made it through, so can you.By the end of the show, you probably won't speak better French but at least you'll understand why.


Débute à 18H00

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