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The Web Conference 2018, the Web Conference is a yearly international conference on the topic of the à Lyon - Catalogues / Foxoo
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The Web Conference 2018, the Web Conference is a yearly international conference on the topic of the à Lyon / Catalogues

Evènement passé.

Du 23 au 27 avril 2018 à Lyon (69).

## The Web Conference 2018

### A yearly international conference on the topic of the future directions of the World Wide Web.

It began in 1994 at CERN and is organized by the International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW3C2). The Conference aims to provide the world with a premier forum for discussion and debate about the evolution of the Web, the standardization of its associated technologies, and the impact of those technologies on society and culture. The conference brings together researchers, developers, users and commercial ventures'indeed all those who are passionate about the Web and what it has to offer.

The Web Conference 2018 will focus on 'Web for health', Web technologies, standards and practices, and will showcase the best of the region's technology and culture.
Enregistrement : https://www2018.thewebconf.org/registration/

A définir

Débute à 09H00

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