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Cartoville Paris - Catalogues / Foxoo
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Source : #4900 Publié le 02/03/12 | Vues : 69

Cartoville Paris / Catalogues


Cartoville Paris est un guide collectif, traduit du français par Matthew Clarke, Clive Under-Hamilton et Yvonne Worth, édité en février 2012 aux éditions Gallimard Loisirs.

' A clever combination of text, photographs and clear cartography
' 10 colour-coded areas, each with its own large-scale fold-out map
' A spread at the front highlights the 10 sights you really shouldn't miss ; one at the back suggests the 10 best things to do when in Paris
' Details of more than 180 restaurants, bars, cafés, shops, clubs, markets and art galleries
' All the practical advice needed on the front and back horizontal fold-outs ; plus a transport map and a street index.

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